EMBODIED WOMAN, one Year Training EB

2025 is the launch of the EMBODIED WOMAN, full year training This is an immersive and expansive deepdive into yourself, Where we journey inwards through different ancient and modern practices and traditions delicately balanced and alchemized into a potent growth catalyst and container. What: 4 different modules of 3 Months each 🙏 YOGA: We focus on the 8limbs of yoga, Learning and practicing tools of self understanding and cultivation of the self through body- mind and spirit You can teach yoga after this, As we will work into asana (physical postural and somatic practice) as well as meditation and pranayama, Learning about different yogic lineages and ways of practice But The main focus is YOU, and a better physical, physiological, energetical and emotional understanding Through 1. Yamas: Agreements or guidelines of how to be with and towards others 2. Niyamas: Observing and cultivating oneself and ones relation to one self 3. Asana: physical.postutal practice and alignment 4. Pranayama: Concious Breathwork practice and understanding of how to access one's inner pharmacy 5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of senses, emptying the cup introspection, selfinquiry and being with one self 6. Dharana: focus and concentration, directing your energy with awarenesss 7. Dhyana: Meditation, The observation of the mind and our self as a witness 8. Samhadi: bliss, becoming one, letting go of illusions, attachment and suffering . ❤️ TANTRA & TAOISM Through the merge of two ancient practices we dive deeper into the self as pure love, presence and connection We learn different classical practices to awaken, cultivate and be with energy. Understanding energetic, emotional, mental and somatic soverignty Practicing to find ones balance in life, Becoming more awake, aware, aligned and alive We learn to make the mundane magical By understanding the natural flow of life and how all is interconnected We practice polarity and the yielding and merging of yin and yang . 🫂 BODYWORK, TCM & AYURVEDA We go deeper into the understanding of Traditional Chineese medicine and Ayurveda, Their similarities and differences and there connection to more modern approaches of bodywork and preventing illness by enhancing wellbeing, Understanding ourself as psyco-somatic and emotional-energetical beings We learn about the elements, corresponding organs, seasons, foods and how energy works in us We practice how to become better at navigating our own bodies and energy . 💥 SHAMANISM & FACILITATION In this last module we bring all together by learning how to create and hold space in an aware way. We learn how to listen not only inwards, but to understand nature and how the seasons work within as without. We learn how to alchemize what we have been practicing, Understanding how to hold space first most for our own growth As persons, as professionals as relational beings . Every module consists of a - comprehensive work book that you recieve, - With weekly excersizes And material to take in. - You'll have literature recommended to take part of - one online group meeting a month - one OWN coaching session a month - one embodiment session/module - an accountability sister - a community of like minded dedicated women to share and grow with - one practical DEEPENING in person retreat/ module (included in the price) Obs: flight is not included - Certification of what you've accomplished - A new way of perceiving your self and life itself. . Pricing: 20.000sek (1900 €)/module Or 70.000 sek (6600 €) /full year training EB: 65.000 sek (6300€) / full year training . Inquire for more info And for Testimonials from former participants - Jaandree.borelius@gmail.com With love Your sister and guide on your oath forward and within //Jaandrée