Bound<3 » Bound<3 Butoh and Slow Rope

Bound<3 Butoh and Slow Rope

590 kr
5+ platser kvar

BUTOH & SHIBARI - workshop & performance art with YOGANOIR This is a 3 part series of experimental space where YOGANOIR will guide you thru movement thru the lens of BUTOH and Shibari ending in an interactive ritual theatre performance where YOU are the performers! class 1, - intro to BUTOH ( an avantgarde form of dance originating in Japan ) MARCH 16th class 2 - intro to SLOW ROPE ( a stylised approach to Shibari where we practice slow deliberate movements while tying ). APRIL 13th class 3 - we present an interactive , performance with the audience thru the ritual of Tea ) MAY 11th following the performance there will be an " open rope jam/ social "

Bookings are refunded if cancelled at least 72h before the start of the activity.



