Lina Hansson » LFA (Life Force Activation, former KAP) at Ester Adele

LFA (Life Force Activation, former KAP) at Ester Adele


LFA (life force activation, previously called KAP) activates the Kundalini energy in your body in order to release stagnant energy and let go of emotions that don’t serve you, so that blockages can be cleared. The goal is to make your life force flow more freely and explore non-dual states of consciousness, with benefits such as more courage, intuition and living life fully. This is a natural process that is not forced, and all you have to do is relax, welcome the energy and let everything that wants to come to the surface be released. UPCOMING SESSIONS AT Ester Adéle, Mariatorget: - Sept 29, 10.30-12.30 - Oct 27, 10.30-12.30 - Nov 24, 10.30-12.30 PREPARATIONS: - Wear comfortable clothes - If possible, avoid eating 2-3 hours before the class NOT SUITABLE FOR THE ONES WHO ARE… - Pregnant in their third trimester - Below 18 years - Are influenced by alcohol or drugs - Have epilepsy or a history of psychosis I'm looking forward to stepping into the energy together with you!

Bookings are refunded if cancelled at least 24h before the start of the activity.


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5+ spots left


Stockholms Maria Magdalena