Welcome to the CONNECTION & VIBES FESTIVAL - a magical festival, by and for women from all over the world who want to step into their true power! This is a a three-day festival for all senses so get ready to feel, release, connect, dance, laugh and enjoy life with other brave and amazing women! On Friday, 7/6, we will gather to open this safe space where we connect with ourselves and others in this powerful womanhood. 🩷Where is this held: Gits gård, Falkenberg (1-hour train from Gothenburg) Date: Friday 7/6 - Sunday 9/6 Check-in: 3-4:30 PM Closing: 2:30 PM 🧡 What is offered: Three days of festival for all women with various workshops on themes of transformation, spirituality, tantra, yoga, sound healing, self-awareness, liberation, dance & much, much more. ✨Bed space in different options ✨Swimming pool, hot sauna, and beautiful nature with space to simply be present. ✨Opportunity for private sessions from various practitioners. ✨Physical movement practice through dance, yoga, etc. ✨A boho market with magical items for sale. ✨Locally produced vegetarian food ✨Workshop leaders, workshops & vendors at the boho market will be announced gradually, so stay tuned! 🩷Investment: ✨Small package: 2750 SEK - workshops and meals only. ✨Medium package: 3333 SEK - space in shared bunkbed room bring own sheets and towel, meals, and workshops. ✨Large package: 4949 SEK - workshops, meals, accommodation in a house/cottage (bedding included). - shared room with one person 5555: All Inclusive, SINGLE ROOM - few spots left . Early bird Sold OUT 2000/2800/3636 SEK 🧡 Follow this link for payment: After payment: You will receive an email where you can fill more information about you? 🩷 We are looking forward to step in to this magical world with you filled with connection & good vibes. Warmly welcome just as you are. All our love! /Nicole, Jaandrée and C&V team 🩷Welcome to the EMBODIED WOMAN FESTIVAL - a magical festival, by and for women from all over the world who want to step into their true power! This is a a three-day festival for all senses so get ready to feel, release, connect, dance, laugh & enjoy life with other brave and amazing women! On Friday, 31/5, we will gather to open this safe space where we connect with ourselves & others in the power of womanhood. 🩷 Where is this held: Gits gård, Falkenberg (1-hour train from Gothenburg) Date: 30/5 - Sunday 1/6 Check-in: 3-4:30 PM Closing: 2:30 PM 🧡 What is offered: Three days of festival for all women with various workshops on themes of transformation, spirituality, tantra, yoga, sound healing, self-awareness, liberation, dance & much, much more. ✨Bed space In shared or own accomodation ✨ Swimming pool, hot sauna, and beautiful nature with space to simply be present. ✨ Opportunity for private sessions from various practitioners. ✨ Physical movement practice through dance, yoga, martial arts etc. ✨ A boho market with magical items for sale. ✨ Locally produced vegetarian food ✨ Workshop leaders, workshops & vendors at the boho market will be announced gradually, so stay tuned! 🩷 Investment: BLIND BIRD, ends 24/12 🦄 ALL INCUSIVE PACKAGE 4000. Food, housing and 3 day festivalpass. OWN ROOM Link: 🧚♂️ Middle package, shared room 1 or 2 others, 3000 Link: ❤️ Small package, sleep home every night, 2000 sek: link: The price will increase to: 3333/4444/5555kr After payment: You will receive an email where you can fill more information about yourself - food preferences, previous experiences of woman gatherings/conscious spaces, riding from - info letter comes 2 weeks prior the gathering 🩷 We are looking forward to step in to this magical world with you filled with connection & good vibes. Warmly welcome just as you are. All our love! /Jaandrée and EW team 🩷 ——— Svenska: Välkommen till EMBODIED WOMAN - en magisk festival, av och för kvinnor från hela världen som vill träda in i sin sanna kraft! Detta är en tre dagars festival för alla sinnen, så gör dig redo att känna, släppa, connecta, dansa, skratta och njuta av livet med andra modiga & fantastiska kvinnor! På fredagen den 30/5 samlas vi för att öppna detta safe space där vi kan koppla samman med oss själva och varandra i ett kraftfullt systraskap. 🧡 Vart hålls detta: Gits gård, Falkenberg (1 h tåg från Gbg) Datum: Fredag 30/5- söndag 1/6 Check in fredag 15-16.30 Avslut, söndag 14.30 🩷 Vad erbjuds: Tre dagars festival för kvinnor med olika workshops i teman kring transformation, spiritualitet, tantra, yoga, sound healing, självkännedom, frigörelse, dans & mycket, mycket mer. ✨En boho marknad med magiska ting till försäljning. ✨Möjlighet till privatessioner från olika practicioners. ✨Fysisk rörelsepraktik genom dans (Dj), yoga, martial arts movement mm ✨ HÄRproducerad vegetarisk mat 💥 olika typ sv accomodation. ✨Swimming pool, helande bastu och vacker natur med plats att bara få vara i närvaro. Workshopledare, workshops & försäljare på bohomarknaden presenteras allt eftersom, så stay tuned!! 🩷 Investering: BLIND BIRD tom 24/12 🦄 ALL INCLUSIVE Paketet nu endast: 4444 sek. Mat, boende i EGET RUM och 3 dagars festivalpass. Länk: 🧚♂️ mellan paketet, BYO bedsheets and towel and share a dubble room, now 4000 sek Länk: ❤️ Lilla paketet, Mat och festivalpass, nu 3000 sek: Länk: https://peach.nu/p/concept/cOCCUZ37YJJNj3aynb4m BLIND BIRD framtill 24/12 - efter det höjs priset till 3333/4444kr enbart deltagande/övernattning 🧡 Efter betalning får du ett mejl där du får fylla i information om dig kring bla. Matpreferenser, samåkning, tidigare erfarenheter mm. Vi ser fram emot att träda in i en magisk värld fylld med närvaro, samvaro expansion! Varmt välkommen precis som du är. All kärlek, //Jaandrée and EW team 🩷 🌟About Jaandrée Curating This magic: I’m a passionate being having dance as my preferred way of flowing in the world. Since 5 years I work as a sexological somatic bodyworker & tantra therapist (massages, coaching, bodywork, shibari/tantric ropes, energy work and de-armouring), & since a decade as a yoga-meditation & breathwork teacher. I work with both individuals, couples & groups. My background lies as a therapist & organization/team developer, working with inclusion, normawareness, empowerment, team building & processleading I’ve hosted and co-hosted WOMAN circles, retreats & Yoni-breast-self knowledge & self love workshops for 5 years world wide now. And this year, for the second time, Holding my FULL YEAR “EMBODIED WOMAN” training ❤️🙏🏽🧚♀️ My aim is to support people in fully letting go, meeting one self in a safe space, held in love & vulnerability. Supporting people to come back into a natural way of being, returning to love & our way of being mesmerized like children. I believes that If you feel safe, You dare to explore, expanding your comfortzone & increasing your wellbeing staying positive towards yourself & others Jaandrée is passionate to use all senses to come closer to one self, to really feel. I use my full presence, the body, breath, sound & movement as tools for healing & awakening. My way through “conscious & spiritual” world has always been driven by creating spaces for all people, Genders, colors, sexualities, ages, backgrounds, function & dreams, To take part of, be included & voiced. Challenging the “norm” in those often very homogenous spaces. Im based in Gothenburg offering different individual or couple sessions doing soul coaching & deep dive Into different areas of your life Today I’m sharing my magic on regular basis in Sweden as her base & around the world as her playground. Welcoming you with all that you are ❤️ My aim is to create safe, playful and allowing spaces, for you to feel free to let go, to be, explore in your pace and Find What ignites you so you can start flowing in life and Glowing as the goddess you are ✨🙏🏽✨ Allowing yourself to be Fully AWAKE, ALIGNED, AWARE & ALIVE Embodying your ravishinh, exatatic, vulnerable, wise & wild being! See you all soon! . Read more about your main space holder Jaandrée on: www.wholesoma.se & follow on: https://www.instagram.com/wholesoma.aliveyoga/ Featured in Aftonbladet, Amelia, Yogaworld & Swedish Television
Skogstorp-Västra Gärdet-Arvidstorp