Emma Johansson » Natural body, Universal mind- Retreat

Natural body, Universal mind- Retreat

4200 kr
5+ platser kvar

As it is outside, so it is within the body" (yatha bahye tatha dehe) - Kalachakra tantra This weekend retreat offers an opportunity to re-calibrate to your base rhythm, and to strengthen the capacity of the mind to rest in its natural state, as we will connect with the natural world as it arises within and around us at beautiful Himladal. The days will consist of a blend of modalities such as eg. yoga, dance, sound healing, mantra, meditation and breathwork, along with engagement with the elements, communal explorations, and of course delicious meals – all to nourish and support the harmonious cycles of the Natural Body & Universal Mind. You will also be introduced to some simple yet powerful practices that can be incorporated into daily life, to keep grounding you in, and expand your understanding of inner and outer cycles. Days for you to both re-awaken the understanding of life, as it is in its natural state, but also, how we all are the big consciousness, in every little particle of us we are this life! Arrival no later than 15.00 on Friday 5/5 The program starts with a delicious dinner at 17.00 and ends around 16 with a closing ceremony on Sunday 7/5. Morning time will be silent until after the first practice. There is a sauna, possibilities for a dip in the lake, and hopefully if weather is good we will do a bonfire Saturday evening with some storytelling. The days will be full of beautiful practices but also free time and space for you of course , feel free to connect us for more info! Short about us: Fanny Olsson Yoga has been a growing part of Fanny's life for over 15 years. She has been teaching since 2014, and co-facilitated many yoga teacher training since. To her yoga is first and foremost a state of openness - a way of meeting life with acceptance, compassion and wonder - but also all of the methods and wisdom passed down through generations yogis and yoginis, that lead to that openness. Fanny is deeply interested in nondual philosophy, which informs her classes. She also holds a degree in medical biology, and finds alot of inspiration in the intelligence of Nature. She guides yoga asana and movement with a somatic perspective that takes into account the fact that every body is unique and different. The yogic techniques and movements are tools, not the goal, and a posture may look different for different people and still be terapeutic or effective. Emma Johansson: I have always had a longing to feel connected to myself, my body, people in my surrounding, nature, everything! And this deep contact I found through yoga. It is also from this place I share from when I teach, openness and connection to be able to expand in to everything of what we are. I have over 1050 hours of teachings- from different Yoga styles like Hatha, yin, restorative, YogaSOMATIC, Vinyasa, fly yoga, Martial arts, meditation. From the container of yoga, I expanded to Somatic bodywork, breathwork, trauma informed work, Women´s health and created my own movement form called Dancing Asana. My goal is not to make you create a form, neither physical or mental, but rather to help you create a deep relation with awareness through your body and expressions, how ever they look. I always teach from the magic place of intuition. Cost: 4200-4500 SEK depending on room type inkl meals and snacks. Bedding and towels are available. If you have any questions, please reach out to us! Warmly Welcome, Fannie and Emma

Bookings are nonrefundable.

