Helena Bjarne » Life Force Activation 120 min - open class

Life Force Activation 120 min - open class

500 kr
120 min

LIFE FORCE ACTIVATION 60 min (the class is 2h in total) Studio Animae, Lilla Nygatan 20, gamla stan This class is for you who want to dive deeper into yourself, your true essence. Throughout this journey, we will harness the power of our creative life force energy, also known as kundalini, alongside exploring non-dual states of consciousness. Through relaxation and embracing receptivity, your innate life force will flow within, dissolving any barriers hindering your elevation to a heightened state of awareness. This experience embodies a profound encounter with your true essence, offering a balance of grounding and expansion. As you surrender and release, the facilitator will gently guide the transmission of energy by intuitively connecting with various chakra points on your body and harmonizing with your energy field. During a session you will lie down on a yoga mat, close your eyes and carefully selected music will be played. Spontaneous movements, emotional releases, visions and bliss states can arise during a session. Your mission will be to let go and trust the process, the energy will do the rest. The important part is not what happens on the mat, but the long term benefit of this practice, that will help change your relationship to yourself and your life. This energy is inherently yours; I as the facilitator acts as a transmission vehicle, helping in the reawakening of this potent energy within you. No previous experience needed. Try not to eat/ eat light within 2 hours before the class for the best experience. Wear comfortable clothes. Please note that this class is not recommended for you who have experienced psychosis, are bipolar, have epilepsi, are pregnant in the 3rd trimester, or are under 18 years old. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions. You find me on IG; https://www.instagram.com/helena.bjarne/ Bookings are non- refundable. But possible to use the booking for another class later on if needed.

Bookings are nonrefundable.


5+ spots left


Gamla stan