Soul Realignment® Reading

Are you ready to rediscover who you are? Are you yearning to make aligned actions that will take you towards your highest dreams and life path? This is an extremely transformational session that provides you with information that enables you to become the powerful creator of your own reality. Soul Realignment® is a method for retrieving energy information from the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records is an information portal, like an energetic library, where all information about our souls can be found. You might wonder why things are the way they are in your life, you might feel stuck and unable to create and manifest what you desire. We can encounter and experience all sorts of challenges in our lives, and in the Akashic Records we find the answers as to why. In this reading you will find out who you are on a soul level. Where your soul comes from, what spiritual gifts you have and what your purpose is here on earth. You will find out what contracts and blockages you carry with you (from past and present life) that may prevent you from fully living in your truth and achieving the dreams you want to achieve in your life today. But what truly makes this session unique is the focus on transformation. We use this information to transform our lives into what we want it to be, taking the power back to ourselves. Have you been working on your personal development for a long time but still feel stuck or like something is missing? Are you curious about who you are and what your purpose is here on earth? Are you ready to take on the responsibility and opportunity of being the creator of your own reality? Then this is for you! We are constantly creating new karma through the choices we make. Every action has a consequence. Sometimes that consequence is clear to us and we understand which results we created through which action. Sometimes the consequences stay with us for several lifetimes, which can make it extremely difficult to understand what it is we are doing "wrong" and why we are not creating the results we want. Find out the structure of your soul, your soul gifts and what is preventing you from living in alignment with your highest path. Gain an understanding of how your choices affect your life and get help clearing blockages that are holding you back. Get guidance in how you can start making choices in line with your soul's energy. We are here to express our true, authentic selves, and I want to help you break the patterns that are holding you back from fully standing in your power and expressing your inner soul. I am here to give you support – energetically and consciously. So that you can step into your true power, live your life abundantly and in alignment with your gifts and purpose. Let this session enable new possibilities through new choices and new aligned actions. Take the power back to yourself and transform your life! _____ The price includes: my preparatory work, 90–120 min digital session, full energy clearing and restoration of your soul's structure, as well as a recording of the session. The session takes place digitally (on phone or zoom) and you always receive a recording of the call afterwards. *Please note: The Soul Realignment® reading can be a big transformational piece in ones journey. Therefore, your soul might not always be ready to be read for at this moment, even if YOU feel like you are. I need permission from your higher self as well. If this is not granted, the Soul Realignment® reading cannot be done. I will always check this before doing the reading, so you will never pay for a session that cannot be done. If this were to be the case, please know that it’s perfect just the way it is. You don’t need to fix anything or do anything if the reading is not for you at this time. Trust the process and trust your path! And if you still feel called to my energy and want my support, Life Force Activation is a powerful session that will also realign you with your true potential and soul essence.