Hippolyte d'Ursel
What can I say, life is interesting. I've always wanted to make a difference, so after my thesis in Oxford (MSc in International Management, Oxford Brookes University) and a six month internship in the European Parliament I was thrilled to join NATO in Brussels. What I did not know yet is that I would be offered a posting in Afghanistan for one year! You should have seen the face of my parents when I told them I was going to Kabul, it was epic. After one year in Afghanistan, I was totally lost and took some time off. I was then recruited to work for a Belgian defense company (yes the dark side of the force) then applied and got selected for a job working for the EU in Bamako, Mali for two years. That was fun and intense! After these years in the Security / Policy / Governmental environment I wanted real impact so I decided to join a small US investment manager that invested in African startups. In parallel, I have been practicing quite a bit of Meditation, Breathwork and Reiki and have been blown away by the power of these powerful energy healing modalities and the beautiful people and communities who make them thrive. I attended an amazing Breathwork Training with the renowned David Elliot (Level 1-5) as well as Reiki I and Reiki II levels with Michelle Baker. I also go on week-long meditation retreats with amazing teachers and practice regularly a meditation called Ascension Meditation. Breathwork, Reiki and Ascension Meditation changed my life and I want to contribute to spreading these beautiful tools.