Embodied Women Retreat

Emma Johansson

Emma Johansson

Pris: 5499 kr

Embodied women Sometimes, I have to remind myself: It's in the body, we feel and understand life….through our bodies we feel emotions, we hear sounds, we see, we taste, we fall in love and so on… We experience situations in life through our nervous systems, our senses and awareness. And that's why the homecoming is so nourishing for us…to come home to the bodies is for me one of the biggest gifts we can give ourselves but also offer to others. There I have my support, I become clear, strong, sensible, open, loveful…simply, I can choose myself when I'm there. But it's also a place We finally can allow everything that runs through us…And just imagine how many emotions are stored in our breath….how many unexpressed moves that's longing to become expressed and how many untold thoughts we haven't dared to really sit with… and now, here we are to allow them all, to see them and choose how to transform them. As a woman I feel how my essence slowly dries out of me everytime I'm leaving the body, and the worst thing is, that the world I grew up in, do praise that…It's a masculine world, living from the brain, but we all know where balance is refounded. And when we deeply understand it in our own inner environment, we will also understand how to live it The tools that will serve us are Yoga, Breathwork, Dancing Asana, Bodywork, Tantra, Meditation, Sharings, Playing games, Storytelling, Wisdom of the female body, Voices, Soundhealing…and just being in a community. This is a retreat for you that want to understand and embrace the womanhood, specially designed for just you, cause we are all different….yet, all the same — For you that is longing for sisters and community For you that want to understand and love yourself as you are It's for every woman that wants something more, both for you, but also for every woman walking on this earth…before us, now and for these women that will come. For the fourth year in a road we will be in a lovely house at Öland, with the garden just beside the big “Alvaret” , the magic stepp of Sweden. Surrounded by wonderful and very special nature we will be both inside and outside for the daily classes/workshops. The rooms are simple but cozy , most of them are shared. We also have a sauna for some sweet selfcare in the evenings. There are not many spaces withs means it is a very intimate retreat where you really will be given the time to be seen, if and when you want. The food that is served is vegan and wholefood. Always a big brunch, nutritious and luxury dinner and the desserts that are made with infinite love, most of them are raw. Everyday there will be snacks available, coffee and tea all day, smoothies will be served daily and some days we will have a Cacaoceremony. An example of how a day can look…. 7-7.20 Silent Meditation 7.30-8..45 Morning practice (yoga, movement etc to move back in to the bodies after a good night sleep) 9.30 - Brunch After Brunch there will be some free time, to rest, go to the sea, take a walk, sit and chat….whatever your heart is longing for… 12.30 -14.30 Breathwork and other practices 15.00 smoothie and self inquiry/ sharing 16.00-18.00 Dancing Asana and tantric meditation 18.45 Dinner and chilltime Sauna….chatting time and so on… 21-21.30 Sound Healing or Yoga Nidra 22 ish….date with your pillow… All times and days are different, but there will be at least 3 longer classes everyday, daily silent meditation and there is always time for yourself to integrate. We will follow a read thread with the activities, day to day so that you will feel safe and also well integrated in your own process. Cost: Early bird until 31 June: 5499 SEK After 31 June: 5999 SEK Prices are including everything (not your transport to Öland, if you take the train, we will come to catch you up for free) Booking is binding, but I am always open to solutions if you get prevented. Short about Emma: I have always had a longing to feel connection... to myself, the body, people in my surrounding, nature, everything! And this deep connection I found through yoga. It is also from this place I share from when I teach, I help people open their inner eye for wholeness! So, my biggest mission in life and when I teach is to help people feel and reunite with this inner source of connection. I always teach from intuition, thats were Im most attuned to listen to you, and It takes a magical journey for me, to find that state, which I love! I have over 1050 hours of teachings- from different Yoga styles like Hatha, yin, restorative, YogaSOMATIC, Vinyasa, fly yoga, Martial arts, meditation. From the container of yoga, I expanded to Somatic bodywork, breathwork, trauma informed work, Women´s health, Tantra , Soundhealing. I also created my own movement form called Dancing Asana. Last years I have helped myself and my body to find balance to embrace myself as a woman, so naturally, the work has brought me to also work with women If you have more questions, please reach out Its a lot of joy, love, tears and juiciness in this retreat so a big big WELCOME to you if you feel the yes, whether its a whisper or a scream ;) With LOVE, Emma

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