Jaandrée - WholesomaAliveYoga
My yoga philosophy. My journey in the world of yoga started when I was 18 and in different ways tried to enable my self to find some more stillness in my life of doing. Having trouble with quieting my mind I’ve always found it hard to be in a non doing space, as my thoughts became so much louder then, harder to avoid, distracting. What I knew about yoga was stillness in the non doing, something I was not used to or thinking I was even capable of. At first yoga felt to slow, almost like waisting my time. So very physical and demanding yoga became my way in, my first “yogic love”. Because, when the asanas where so challenging that I needed all of my focus and presence not to fail (which was a big feat of mine back then), I suddenly noticed, My mind was clear, nothing was distracting me. I believe that for many of us the guidance in to more subtle practices, or to come into stillness, often requires us to go through our physical body, because that’s what we’re more familiar with. So to start with more physical practices or before trying to meditate, Allowing or selfs to come into that space where we feel safe, supported and relaxed, Because when we’re there, anything & everything can happen. ✨🙏🏽✨ My yoga journey has taken me from not being able to “be still” without doing, to be able to practice Vipassana, to quiet my mind & still my body. My yoga journey, parallel to my journey with life, has taken me through a lot of different yogic practices, styles and teachings, all co-creating the yoga style I teach today. No matter if it’s Hata, Kundalini, Yin, Vinyasa, Meditation, Breath Work, Talks or Empowering practices, It all has the same essence. My aim as a teacher, is to create safe, playful and allowing spaces, for you to feel free to let go, to be & explore your body awareness and mobility, your ability to let go of the constructed monkey mind, and to align with your heart. All at your pace toInspire YOU to find what ignites you so you can start flowing in life and Glowing as the Star you are I guide you to listen inwards. I guide you how to allow your breath to guide every movement. I guide you how to embody everything you do, to feel it, to make it yours, to align your inner self with your outer self. I guide you towards that inner light that sparks you, that ignites you. I teach from my heart. I guide through my soulAnd I welcome you wherever you are. ✨🙏🏽✨ To me all the different aspects of yoga are equally important. - The physical movement, the body-mind-soul connection through Asana practice - The personal (internal) practice of observance, the Niyamas - The interpersonal (external) practice, our moral, the discipline of the Yamas - The conscious and mindful breath, practice, control and flow, Pranayama - The withdrawal of the senses, increasing ones sensitivity to subtle things, turning inwards, Pratyahara - Our attention & focus, concentration, Dharana - The observation of the self & reflections upon it, meditation, contemplation, Dhyana - The fulfillment & complete inner peace, the total unity in bliss, SamhadiEach limb, just as each different quality in yoga, weather we talk about breathing, about how to be towards each other or others, weather it is about devotion or alignment. To me it’s all about allowing one self and others to be fully them selves, for one to be fully free, for one to be whole. To do whatever sparks you, makes you feel alive & puts a smile not only on your face, but also in your eyes & in your heart. ✨🙏🏽✨ My practice is a wholesome practice, welcoming, accepting, including & celebrating all of you. My way is an open invitation to allow your self to be more gentle towards your self, to empower you, to shine brighter, to thrive. We go full powerWithout holding back Without restrictions With loving kindness With Loving presence //Jaandrée Allowing yourself to be Fully AWAKE, ALIGNED, AWARE & ALIVE